8020 Consulting Supports Soldiers’ Angels

8020 Consulting Supports Soldiers’ Angels

As a company, we are moved by the sacrifices our servicemen, servicewomen and veterans have made. What would our lives be like without their courage? In the spirit of the holidays, the 8020 Consulting team came together for a fourth season to sponsor post-9/11 wounded and disabled veterans and their families through Soldiers’ Angels.

As a group, the company supported 2 families and 7 children with gifts of their choosing, including toys and clothing as well as gift certificates totaling over $500 for use in purchasing a nice holiday meal.

Soldiers’ Angels: May No Soldier Go Unloved

Soldiers’ Angels has programs to support military families, deployed service members, wounded heroes, and veterans of all eras. For more information about Soldiers Angels, or to donate, visit their about page: http://soldiersangels.org/about-us.html.

Written By: Kelly Patchett