We’re proud to announce CFO.com recently published a new article by 8020 Consulting’s CEO, David Lewis!
In the wake of the current disruptions in global health, supply chains, financial markets, and employment, having a cash flow model that is dynamic, easily updated for changing conditions, and able to support iterative scenario analysis isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity.
While no one was planning for a crisis like the coronavirus, global health authorities have talked about something like this as a risk factor for many years. The article reviews the approaches for forecasting cash flow, presents steps for building a cash flow model, and offers insight into how to ensure the model remains simple and elegant enough to be operated by both financial and non-financial executives.
Interested? Read the article here:
“Dynamic Cash-Flow Forecasting – A Must-Have in Times of Crisis“
Learn More About Cash Flow
If you need support in building your own cash flow forecast, we invite you to download our cash flow consulting services explainer.
If you’d like to learn more about what should be in your forecast, you can download this simple guide for operating executives. It details the attributes of best-in-class 13-week cash flow forecasts: